日本国内におけるGAPには、都道府県が独自に定めたGAP(※2)、JAグループのGAP、JGAP、国際レベルのASIAGAPがあります。高尾農園では2019年7月にJGAP認証を取得したころから国際基準のASIAGAP認証の取得を目指してきました。管理点はJGAPに比べ2倍以上に増えるとともに衛生管理(HACCP)などが加わります。そのような苦労も乗り越えながら2021年3月に国内では初めてとなる世界基準のASIAGAP(GFSI承認)認証を得ることが出来ました。ASIAGAPは、フランス・パリにある非営利団体GFSI(Global Food Safty Initiative)(※1)から承認を受けたGAP認証制度です。GFSIのベンチマーク要求事項にそった基準作成が求められるため、食品安全の要素の中にHACCPをベースとした考え方、食品防御や食品偽装防止が含まれています。また、GFSIのベンチマーク要求事項にそったやり方で審査(BT、BV)が行われます。国際基準のGAP認証は世界で取得する動きが広がっており、高尾農園のオリーブ畑もその世界の仲間入りすることが出来ました。
(※1)GFSI(Global Food Safety Initiative:世界食品安全イニシアティブ)は、世界中の消費者に安全な食品を届ける上で、確かな信頼を築くため食品安全マネジメントシステムの継続的改善を図ることを目的に、世界に展開する食品関連企業・団体が参加する非営利団体です。主な活動の一つに、食品安全認証プログラムの承認があります。
https://mygfsi.com/(※2)GAPとは、「Good Agricultural Practice」の頭文字をとった言葉で、「良い農業の取り組み(やり方)」と言う意味です。GAPは、農業に従事するにあたって、農産物の安全性ではなく、環境保全を目指した農業や、作業者に対する適切な労働管理など、農業活動全般においての取り組みを指しています。
『Aligning with international standards - GFSI-approved ASIAGAP』
Takao Noen’s olive cultivation places importance not only on farm tasks such as grass cutting, healthy soil and olive picking, but also on soil quality and the surrounding environment. To cultivate olives safely, Takao Noen strictly manages its production processes and the surrounding environment. ASIAGAP certification, which is granted by third-party audit, is an initiative for ensuring sustainability in food safety, environmental protection and occupational safety. Certification is proof of a well-managed farm capable of providing safe and reliable global-standard products.
Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) in Japan include GAP(*2) established at prefectural level, GAP implemented by the JA Group, JGAP and international level ASIAGAP. Since acquiring JGAP certification in July 2019, Takao Noen has been working to obtain ASIAGAP certification. Compared with JGAP, ASIAGAP has over twice as many control points as well as additional Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP). Despite these hurdles, in March 2021 Takao Noen became the first farm in Japan to acquire GFSI-approved ASIAGAP certification. ASIAGAP is a GAP certification programme recognised by Paris-based NPO Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI)(*1). As the standards must be in line with GFSI Benchmarking Requirements, HACCP-based food defence and food fraud prevention are included in the food safety element. Assessment for Scope B1 and BIII is also carried out in line with GFSI Benchmarking Requirements. Takao Noen has joined the global trend in acquisition of GAP certification.
By obtaining global standard certification for all its cultivation processes from planting the young trees and growing them to harvesting and sorting the fruit, Takao Noen olives, which yield olive oil that meets international standards, have become international standard olives. We continue to devote our energy to producing the highest quality olives and olive oil.
(*1) Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) is a non-profit organisation comprised of food-related companies and organisations from around the world, whose purpose is to continually improve food safety management systems in order to build trust by delivering safe food to consumers everywhere. One of its main activities is certification under the food safety certification programme.
GFSI website:
https://mygfsi.com/(*2) GAP stands for Good Agricultural Practices. GAP refers to agricultural initiatives implemented by farms, aimed at not only the safety of agricultural products but also environmental conservation and appropriate occupational management of workers.
ASIAGAP: Asia Good Agricultural Practices
JGAP: Japan Good Agricultural Practices
posted by takao-olives at 19:14|